Equitus Coven

Sentinel offers video analytics of security and safety. Providing statistical analysis capability to allow identification patterns of past event and activities within a secured environment.


Video analytics Security/Safety

More Features

Real-time Analysis
Argument your existing security feeds with machine vision and active stream analysis.
Locate in Private
The system is owned and controlled by you and can operate in “disconnected mode”.
Store & Report
Capture what is seen as searchable data with more than 100 pre-loaded taxonomies.
Alert/Advise Security
Pinpoint your target and catalog object characteristics using facial/object recognition and trajectories.

Castillo's Global Partnerships and Diverse Operations

Castillo has gained the trust of major international companies, securing exclusive agencies for the Kuwaiti and Gulf markets, including countries like South Korea, Japan, Turkey, India, Egypt, and the United States. The group is actively involved in a wide range of activities, from general contracting, trading in iron and pipes, importing medicines, and trading in various foodstuffs.

Be our partner in success

Castillo International General Trading And Contracting Company WLL

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A Special Offers?

Castillo International General Trading And Contracting Company WLL And Its Associate Companies Are A Kuwaiti Company Operating In Several Fields, And Have Activities In The Countries Of The Gulf Cooperation Council.

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